

“Tom’s book should be required reading for any coach, teacher, or adult with the occasion to interact with children.”

— Kay Kendall, CEO & Principal, Baldrige Coach

"I am thoroughly enjoying your own book . I’m learning so much !! What a brave and inspiring journey and even more courageous to share it . I know you will touch millions . "

- Giuliana Wheater, Dunster, Somerset, United Kingdom

"You are opening eyes - your book has taken off like wildfire around our school."

- Dan Foote, We Believe

"Just finished your book! Great job coach! You guys have done well with your family and the town."

- Lisa Tuttle, Mother of Student Athlete

"I recently ordered your book from Amazon. An amazing read! On the one hand, I’m very sad I had to order it. On the other, I’m very glad that it’s available. Long story short… My son has been so bullied that he’s ended up in the emergency room twice this week with a concussion. Please just pray for our family, for my son, and for the bully. Thank you for sharing your story to help others like us.”

- Nancy Gifford, parent of a special kiddo

"Three cheers to Thomas Dahlborg on his book of motivation, support, courage, love of family, identifying the signs of bullying and how to end it, meeting challenges head-on, importance of mentoring, and lessons learned, particularly by an old coach! An easy and impactful read. Thank you for your transparent and heartfelt offering. Job well-done."

- Paul Hart Miller, Administrative Director

"I read this book over the course of this weekend. I was telling my friend last week how I'd like to coach a kid's sports team someday, but I don't know anything about coaching or the ‘x’s an o’s’ of most sports!! I just want to have a positive impact on local kids (and I love sports). So, I loved everything about this!! It must be a sign from the universe. Way to go, Thomas Dahlborg, you're awesome!!”

- Kathleen Marie Dunbar, future Coach

“What a wonderful book!!! Very easy to read! As a Mother of two wonderful sons who unfortunately had one horrible high school basketball Coach who had no heart and was a bully, I think this book should be a prerequisite for all Coaches even Professional ones.  Coaches don’t realize what they can do to a child's self-esteem!”

- Faith Wofford, parent of a youth athlete

“I had to tell Tom that just getting through the first part of the book without wanting to get it bound, drive to the neighborhood where the bullying occurred, and leaving a copy on every parent's doorstop was difficult. This is a tremendous book about the effect of bullying but it's also so much more. Tom takes you on this journey where he looks at himself and how he tried, and sometimes believed he failed, to coach young men into believing in themselves. He explains how he led teams to play from the heart for each other and how that is the real measure of winning. It's Tom and his family doing what they do best: live in gratitude and be of service to yourself and others. That shines through every page of this book. You'll be touched in ways I won't ruin for you by spelling out. Read it and Enjoy.”

- Kristin Sunanta Walker, CEO, MHNR Network - Host, Mental Health News Radio

“This is an accurate description of bullying and how it can be overcome with the love of family, friends and a favorite sport … Basketball.”

- Kirsten Erickson, parent of a youth athlete

“The big kid and basketball is a refreshing and honest memoir of a father’s journey back to his own heart through coaching. This heartwarming story addresses parenthood, humility, faith, but most of all the power of vulnerability. Thomas Dahlborg presents a simple but beautiful story of how coaching his son's basketball team took him deeper into his own insecurities where he learned to face them head on. The purity of his words are truly encouraging and take the reader on a journey into his mind that reveals his truest love for his son. This book is about family, about altruism, and perseverance even when you think you aren't up for the task. The big kid and basketball is a story of hope and compassion for people of all abilities. We learn that when one focuses on their strengths instead of their weakness, entire new chapters can be written. This is a feel good read that every aspiring coach, teacher, or parent should be excited to pick up. If you are lucky enough to find your way to Thomas Dahlborg's heart which he so willingly reveals in his book, you will be touched by its sincerity.”

 - Melanie Vann, Program and Advocacy Director, Mental Health News Radio 

"This inspiring true story is a reminder how bullying can affect a child's life, but Tommy has an amazing village around him. His love for the game of basketball helps provide the tools he needs for life long confidence. Excellent read!"

- Stacie Leavitt, parent of a youth athlete