Meet the Team

  • Thomas H. Dahlborg, Sr.


    With over forty years of leadership experience, Tom positions leaders (in healthcare and beyond) to engage heart and mind in all they do so that they embrace and embody compassion, care and love, while leveraging science and evidence, to honor their callings and achieve betterment for all.

    Key focus areas include:

    * Transforming healthcare to healthCARING

    * Amplifying Positive Childhood Experiences (PCES) for all Children

    * Stopping bullying

  • Darlene Dahlborg


    With over forty years of clinical and integrative experience, Darlene offers sage advice and counsel to leaders, teams and individuals who yearn to make more of an impact on the lives of others.

    Key focus areas include:

    * Embracing compassion, empathy and love

    * Self-understanding and how to achieve inner peace for self and for others

    * The importance of authenticity, trust, humility, and optimism and how to achieve

    * Mindfulness, grounding, and presence

    * Protecting one’s energy in order to achieve wholeness

    * Mind body spirit health for self and others

    * Natural healing

  • Samantha Dahlborg


    With over 6 years of event coordinating + marketing and personal + professional brand development, Samantha works closely with the President, Chief Joy Officer and extended team to develop, enhance and bring the vision/mission of DHLG to life across all digital platforms & connections.

    Key focus areas include:

    * PR/Marketing/Branding - promoting, managing and maintaining the public's view of DHLG.

    * Cover design for an award winning patient experience and healthcare system improvement book “From Heart to Head & Back Again ... a Journey through the Healthcare System” by President & CEO of DHLG, Thomas H. Dahlborg, Sr.

    * Cover design for the book "The Big Kid and Basketball ... and the lessons he taught and Father and Coach" tackling the epidemic of bullying by President & CEO of DHLG, Thomas H. Dahlborg, Sr.


  • Tommy Dahlborg


    A suicide survivor & self-improvement coach/mentor, Tommy uses his life experiences and learnings as a youth sports coach & from his time as a mental health podcaster to design life-changing youth sports programs. His mission: To encourage a healthy relationship with exercise, to teach powerful social & emotional skills, to enhance child well-being.

    Key focus areas include:

    *Holistic Youth Sport Programming:

    • Youth Sports Camps and Beyond

    • Teaching the basics of sports and highlighting the importance of play

    • Developing healthy relationships with exercise

    • Ensuring inclusion and belonging

    • Promoting positive, life-changing social & emotional skills

    • Programs customized to meet the specific high-priority needs of youth programs